Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ok, Fine...I'm Back!

Well, here it is! The blog you have all been waiting for. I know it has been some time since I posted my last entry. Well, excuse me for wanting to spend some time with my family, and not giving all of you out there a play-by-play of my private life. Geez! As if all I have to do is sit here at the dining room table and type all this blah-blah-blog for you all to gush over!

Ok, with that off my chest, how are you? We have been doing just swell. Our little trio +K9 has been working to get into some form of a routine. Man, babies are needy!

Mason's First Visit to Starbucks

We have been making an effort to get out from time to time. Between feedings, we have a 3 hour window in which to make our outings. Timing is crucial for a successful "out-of-home" event.

The entire outing usually follows this pattern:
- Secure child in safety seat
- Cover child with various child insulation items
- Fill diaper bag with necessary accoutrements
- Sift through piles of crap to find car keys
- Relocate all said items to car
- Get in car
- Realize you forgot to pack extra "onesie" for potential explosive, onesie-soiling episode
- Get out of car
- Retrieve extra onesie
- Get Greenie for jealous dog
- Get back into car
- Drive around the block
- Return home for next feeding

Mason and Josh Order Breakfast


Chelsa said...

I assume Mason ordered the steamed milk?

Johnny said...

that's it? weeks of silence followed by a picture that shows one cheek?? i want a full body shot of the kid in the outfit we sent... and he better be smiling or things will get uh-g'-lee.

Ian said...

Ya more posts, less gripes! Also Mason looks cute.