Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Cliff Notes Version

Friday, October 13, 2006
7:00pm - Jen and Josh go for a hunk of meat at the Outback
8:30pm - Jen and Josh relax on the couch to watch the Netflix movie they have had for over 3 months
10:00pm - Gran calls and asks Josh to bring over the Aerobed for wedding guests

Saturday, October 14, 2006
12:30am - Josh returns from Gran's to find Jen answering emails from Jeanne
1:00am - Jen and Josh slumber
2:30am - Jen wakes up Josh to "come look at something"
2:30am - Jen's "bag-of-fluids" ruptures
2:30am - Josh begins to freak out...just a little
3:30am - Jen and Josh get into the car and Jen has her first contraction
3:50am - Jen and Josh agree on a name for their son
4:00am - Jen and Josh arrive at the hospital
4:30am - Jen labors in her room at the hospital
5:15am - Nurse Peggy and Dr. Sheppard enter the room
5:20am - Dr. Sheppard examines Jen and declares that she is fully dialated
5:30am - Jen begins to push
6:02am - Mason Jonah is born
6:02am - Josh and Jen begin to freak out...just a little

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