Thursday, November 03, 2011

The Curtain Rises

Last Sunday, Jen took some alone time. You know, time for herself. Time to do things that people do so that they don't go insane, build shacks out in the woods, and write manifestos. Now she said that she was going to go get some groceries, but I know the truth: It was a mini-escape.

So I was home with the kids. We played some games, watched people swallow things that they shouldn't swallow on YouTube, and listened to some music way too loud. You know... we had fun! While we were listening to music, Ellie started air guitaring (which apparently is not a word according to my computer and its dotty red line). "I wanna rock out like a rock star!" she shouted.
"Let's have a rock concert," Mason chimed in.
"Ok, but we will need a stage," I said. I went out to the garage and retrieved several lengths of spare PVC (always have a spare). In less time than Van Halen's "Jump" I had lashed the pipes to a pair of dining room chairs (funny that I call them "dining room" chairs since we really only have one room in our house other than the bathroom, but I digress... again), tossed on a make-shift curtain, and we had our stage, complete with my bread proofing light and some jack-o-lanterns.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the culminating performance of that evening: A horror in one act - "The Cupcake'

P.S. The stage is still up. Tonight at dinner I had to sit on the ten inch step stool and enjoy my porridge. It was a bit uncomfortable, and Ellie laughed at me, but THE SHOW MUST GO ON!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Spooky and sweet all rolled into one!