Sunday, September 25, 2011

Scattered Showers

Listening to Dar Williams' live album on shuffle on my computer is a bit like my mind lately. She tells a story, a lead to a song and just as you are geared up to listen to it, the next track shifts and it is shuffled to some other tune of hers not the one you were expecting. Today I am here alone working while my fam is off doing other tasks and my mind spins with how to maximize this alone time. School work was a "must do" and I had to force myself to sit in the corner and not get up until all progress was written, saved and such. I made the most of such tediousness with a full glass of coffee, windows open, fall weather gracing me with its presence. Then as I finished and I realized it was drops of rain I was now hearing...there was Dar singing about the "Beauty of Rain". It was just like her bit about the yellow school bus driving by. If you haven't heard her live album, I highly recommend listening.

Her beautiful voice is filling up my house as I type and as I catch a glimpse of her lyrics amidst my spinning thoughts and typing fingers I am almost brought to tears in such a beautiful way that only those magical moments can bring. Its like when I was playing upstairs with the kids this morning and Leprechaun was being rescued by Wedding Barbie and Ken from Mason's handmade Leprechaun trap.

"Tell her there is an opening at the top!" "Hooray!" they shouted.

Sounds random and bizarre for those that weren't there, but to me it was a bit of heaven. Like spying Ellie and Mason returning from their adventure with Dad yesterday and announcing, "Mommy we have tea set for everyone. You, Mason, Daddy, and Me." I first heard, "Mommy we got pizza for everyone..." Then even better, not pizza, but their 1st tea set. Josh later informed it was given to them by a Grandmother at a yard sale that didn't want to sell it, she just wanted someone to have it that would truly LOVE having it. Even better. This morning, Ellie, Mason, Tiny Teddy, and Baby Stella had a lovely tea party in the center of the living room. They love it indeed. That Grandma would be proud.

Speaking of Grandmas, I have been thinking about mine a lot lately. The kids wanted to play pirates the other day and they asked to wear some necklaces. I love to see them loving these pieces. I imagine my grandmas smiling as they sing "Yo ho, yo ho, a Pirate's life for me..." as they head off on their latest adventure. I cherish these little treasures that allow me to remember and share about how they were meaningful in my life. Mason asked me again at dinner how my Grandma died. He is trying to figure it all out. Aren't we all?

Josh bought me a hat yesterday. A nod to fall and the season to come. I am thinking of Mason's birthday and my family visiting to share in this joyful day. I look at this picture below and am moved by it. Many women probably wouldn't post it, as it highlights lines. But to me these lines are family. I remember growing up, staring at my grandparents and their lines. Their lines showed their life they lived and I remember them deeply like the lines they had. I saw these lines on my mom and I wondered if one day I would have them and yep, here they are. I guess I am living deeply, I have the lines to prove it!

Bring on the fall, family, love! Live deeply!


Noisy Nora said...

You are so beautiful. Your writing made me cry. Oh woman, you are gorgeous in every single way! Love you, Nora

Gary said...

You are one special princess! Dad

Amanda Ray said...

This is beautiful and so are your lines!

Jen said...

Thank you all! Loved reading your comments and sharing with you. Amanda, did you recognize the Barbie and Ken? They are the ones you gave me at my wedding. Ellie loves them.