I said, "Please don't bring them in here, they are for outside artwork."
"Why?" Mason asked as he proceeded to venture toward the carpet with them.
Seeing that I was not going to change a 2 and a half year old's plan with mere words, I had to act quickly. I thought perhaps I could detour him a smidge. "How about you put them on the kitchen floor instead?" Cool, that worked and will be way easier to cleanup. "What are you planning to do with them?" I asked.
"Put them on my hands." said Mason.
He then proceeded to peel all of the sponge ink pads out of their containers and stack them in a pile of 6. "Where are you going?" I asked.
"Outside." Whew, okay, still messy, but outside. I can live with that. So I watch him leave.
Minutes later he returned...
"It's just me, Ellie."
"Oh, my Mason. Why is he all colorful? I want to try that." smiled Ellie. (Too bad she can't escape the loving hands of Mommy or she would be abstract art as well. I know it's only a matter of time.)
What to do in a situation like this? Embrace the moment and go outside to play in the water.
"I love summer!" sang Mason.
Me too.
Ellie is soo beautiful!! I can't believe how much she looks like Mason when he was little.
What an amazing experience to watch Mason get to be a big brother for the first time. My little brother and little sister and I are all within 5 years of each other and I vividly remember taking my sister home from the hospital, teaching them important things like how to ride on a swing. My mom tells me I thought they were mine and would even try to put them in time out if they misbehaved (now we joke that it was just the Mrs. Howard in me trying to come out at 3 years old).
What a special time!!
Oh Jen- I'm SO very happy for you and your family. Ellie is absolutely beautiful and she does look so very much like Mason at that age. Congratulations and enjoy each and every moment. It's amazing how quickly the time does fly!
That kid's so looking for attention. Next stop, juvie.
Hey... I've seen kids running around here looking just like that! HIDE YOUR LIPSTICKS!!! haha. They are both so sweet. Ellie is just precious and Mason is cute cute cute! I can't believe how fast he is growing up!
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