Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy 4 Months!

February 14th ~ Some are celebrating Valentine's Day, but to Mason it is his four month mark. His latest accomplishments: drooling, picking up toys, kicking with great gusto, standing (with a bit of help), observing his hands and feet, finding out that he can suck his thumb-not just his fist, and noises-ah the sounds he makes. He has taken to talking and singing any chance he gets. He loves to chat on the phone when the spirit moves him, so next time you call you might get to hear his favorite story or song.

Here he is Mighty Mason, oh how he is LOVED!


Johnny said...

Whoa, that's what I call a pictures avalanche! Great photos, and great seeing y'all the other day!

Chelsa said...

That smile is ridiculously cute!

Johnny said...

Thanks Chelsa, I'm flattered!