Thursday, February 23, 2012

Life is a Dance...

I was up early this morning, as in about 3 am, and started reading as I drank a glass of water, enjoyed the twinkling lights outside in the tree next door to my parents' dining room, and taking in a bit of solitude and quiet calm.  I had fallen asleep early and therefore was feeling revived at this early hour.  I stumbled upon some interesting reads.  As I read this post I was reminded of a quote I read while sitting at an Education Through Music class a while ago.

"Life is a Dance.  Sometimes you LEAD.  Sometimes you FOLLOW."

I cannot imagine having to always be the leader. It is fun to play that role from time to time, but without stepping out of that role once in a while, how would we grow and find the other pieces of ourselves that are hidden, waiting for the inspirational people we choose to surround ourselves with to uncover and allow them to shine. Children are amazing leaders. Spending time with Mason and Ellie, really spending time with them and allowing them to take the lead opens up new pathways that I may not uncover on my own.  I sometimes hurry to get to the destination rather than realizing that the journey taking us there is a part of the adventure.

As we walked to the park Ellie stopped to discover the little things.  She notices, she is in no rush to arrive somewhere else, she has arrived in the moment and she siezes it. She pauses to "wag, wag, wag" her imaginary dog's tail on the corner of Beverly Glen Drive and Wilshire Blvd.

She finds beauty in a fallen flower.

She discovers her shadow was walking right along with us.

She picks a flower and pretends it is a dandelion seed.

She is full of wonder and I want to drink it in. Let my mind be guided by curiosity and wonder what I may create next.

At the park we played and played and Josh took the items Mason found along the way to build a kite and used all the found objects for the tail.  They are ones to follow.  Inspiration overflows when I am with them.  I want to run toward the wind with them and try to keep up and never tire.

Sometimes we need to stop and wait for ideas to come, for surprises to be carried out (there's a story there, but you'll have to wait), and hang upside down to get a new outlook on things (sticking your tongue out is optional, but recommended).

Just before falling asleep that night at Grandma and Grandpa's house Mason asked me, "What if I wake up in the middle of a really good dream?"  I don't remember my response, but I guess for me I feel like I am living a really good dream. There are lows for sure, but without those how would you notice the highs?

There is a bit of magic when you slow down to take in the moment. The look as Mason falls asleep and is at peace is a look I want to know forever.

I believe it is important to know how to follow. For if you follow the right people, places, gain inspiration, strength and a complete sense of self which allows you to grow and become a leader.


Noisy Nora said...

I want to follow you, Jen. I adore you.

Chris said...

Well Said!!!

Hancey said...

Disease is caused when the normal growth of the Lawn is disrupted because of its interactions with pathogens like fungus. The pathogen comes from the environment and hinders the growth of turf grass. Diseases generally occur where the environment is floods with pathogens. Moreover the plants which are more stressed are prone to disease as compared to unstressed plants.