After the ol' Winnebago incident last January, it is time to get busy. Our fence has been ordered and our new front deck is in the works. Josh has been busy sawing, measuring, and the like, while we lend a helping hand as needed. We try to provide good company as he works so hard. We have taken a few trips to the stores to gather supplies and even Onyx was willing "jump in" to help out if needed. Unfortunately for him, he would have to stay behind and guard the fort.
This morning it was off to Lowe's for more deck supplies.
Mason was "decked" out in his appropriate attire, complete with tool kit embroidery.
Daddy's little helper was on call, ready to giggle and smile when needed.
Alright, Dad, I think our cart is full and we're ready to go!
So it is back to work for now. Next time you visit, you just might be walking up our new front stairs!
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