Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stepping Back and Taking It All In

So after a week at Responsive Classroom where we were challenged to think deeply about how we use our language in the classroom to be clear and concise, I can't help but use what I have been thinking about for my teaching here at home. It is amazing how when you step back and let things play out a bit you really don't need to say so much. Learning happens and grows and develops and it is this that is pure magic and joy to experience.

This personal growth for me has been a journey in the making. A collection of the Responsive Classroom Approach, the insights gained at Parent Meetings for Mason's Preschool, observing the preschool in action, and the Education Through Music courses I have participated in. The strength I have gained from these have truly allowed me to experience this magic.

Today at lunch Mason was last to the table. He was busy finishing his home that he made for the bees. It started about a half hour before when he came in searching for honey to pour on top of the tiny house he was going to make for them. His plan was to entice them to live in this little home. After consulting with Dad about how the bees might take to this plan, he revised his plan. He got to work, coming to me for help in finding string, pipe cleaners, and so on. As he discovered the tape he was using was too weak to hold, he searched for his "flames" duct tape. All the while I just kept a near distance...near enough to be there if he needed me, near enough to enjoy his work, but not so near that I would intrude and inhibit the process.

Just as the lunch table was set he was hanging his house in the tree, beaming with pride, "Now the bees will love this new home."

I bet they will, and if they don't, I do.

PS. I had a lot more in my head I planned on writing, but I am trying to be brief and let you construct your own learning. Enjoy the journey.

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