For our 9th anniversary the kids decided to give us the gift of sleep. (To celebrate this gift, throughout this post I will insert my favorite sleeping photos from the last 6 weeks of living with Ellie.)
and Ellie was close behind.
The easiest bedtime routine ever turned into waking up at 3:00 am to Mason laying a new pull-up on me and telling me he had an accident. In my sleep deprived state I put the new one on and dozed again as he decided to climb in our bed and be wide awake rolling around like a tornado. The first night Ellie decides to bypass the 2:00 or 3:00 am feeding, Mason is up. Ellie decided to join the fun at 4:00 am and by this time Josh was ready to just get up, too. So there we were, one big family awake before the sun was up. Luckily, Mason is pretty cute, so you can't stay annoyed for long. As Josh lay exhausted on the couch, Mason gathered and filled his water bottle and brought it to him, "Daddy I got you an ice in your water because I thought you might like it!" His perkiness began to be a bit contagious and Josh decided to get up and make a huge batch of salsa. After salsa came banana cornmeal pancakes with blueberries. Lookout Tower Cafe you now have some serious competition!
Mason wanted to hold Ellie and she loved it.
All the excitement wore her out and she was back to sleep. Mason played blocks, ate breakfast, played up in the new playroom loft, and then was getting drowsy. I decided to get him ready for a nap and while reading stories I thought, I will read one more, hmmm what time is it? 8:00 am? This time warping is really getting bizarre now. So he then slept from 8:15 and was still asleep after Ellie and I returned from getting an oil change, car wash, and mailing a box at the post office. Josh had been working in the garden and on the playhouse and came in for some lunch. Mason power napped until about 1:00 pm. Ellie napped, woke up to eat at the Honda place, and then continued to nap. I must say I was beginning to get a bit jealous of all this napping and thought I should try to take advantage of it before it vanished. I fell asleep on the couch for a bit and woke to Mason coming in asking, "Mommy will you snuggle me?" Couldn't pass up that request. He snuggled in and we napped for a few more minutes, heaven!
Last night Josh and I were feeling pretty tired, so after feeding Ellie, we both went to sleep, figuring we better get some rest, who knows what the night would bring. The next thing I knew Ellie was waking up...I got up thinking, that's weird or as Mason would say, "That's weirded!" What time is it? Can that be right? Did I already feed her and not remember? Nope. Really 6:30? Yep, 6:30 am, our girl slept through the night! (And our boy did, too.) Happy 6 weeks old Ellie! Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!
Happy Anniversary Joshua! I love you with all my heart and more. I love our family, our laughter, our home. Thank you for making our life so rich with happiness and joy. Your creativity and passion for music and life is contagious and I love you for that. You have given me the courage to be a teacher of music and I love that. I look forward to learning more, sharing more, and laughing more with you in the years to come. I love our children and I love you. Here's to many new adventures, simple, everyday magical moments, and here's to sleep, glorious sleep! (Cue the sleep montage!)
Happy Anniversary! We love you all. We are so sorry we haven't met Ellie yet! We will soon. We think of you often and love you all the time. Love, Da Bruce's
Happy Anniversary you two! Your beautiful family warms my heart, and I LOVE hearing all the fun stories from the Big Brown Lawn. Here's to many more years of joy (and sleeping through the night - Yeah Ellie!) :)Love, Diana, Bill and Sophia
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