Okay, so we are about a month behind on this post, but whatever! We have a baby. What's your excuse for your lack of blogging (BTW, Chelsa, you rock! 2 kids, and prolific blogging. Kudos!)?
10 months.
That's a huge noggin!
98th percentile and stuff!
Nice to see such a healthy young feller. I see your pediatrician has a digital scale. Ours has the old beam balance style, and I noticed awhile back that its top weight is 159 pounds. Made me wonder what's the heaviest baby they've ever weighed on it. Haven't asked yet, but, knowing me, I will.
At Max's party, my friend Andrea said to me, "What's the deal with these premature babies growing so big?!" I am so happy to see that Mason is thriving, in spite of sharing Max's inconvenient sense of timing. (And thanks for the praise. Bear in mind, though, I'm home during their naptimes, so I usually blog then.)
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